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Indus Script Deciphered 25

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25. The omniscients are not Aliens

Seal # 521 of M.S. Vats, collected at Harappa, shows the face and backside inscriptions deciphered from the Jain perspective with its very rich meaning derived from omniscience. The front is taken as to signify ‘aliens,’ ‘people’ from some other planet or solar system, by some scholars, but it is in reality the symbol of the omniscient (= the kevali). Who is a celebate  ISD 25 symbol 10 jpg On the opposite side are two symbols only.

ISD 25 1 jpg

On enlargement of the two texts on both sides one sees an ascetic (‘fish’) standing in kayotsarga holding a sign of sallekhana in his left hand. On the head is his right eyeball with open eye on which a sign of celibacy, ISD 25 symbol 10 jpg, is carved. This sign is distinguishable from the ISD 25 symbol 3 jpg linga sign. Both are important Indus signs. The first is the sign of introvert male gender, while the second is the symbol of the male ISD 25 symbol 3 jpg organ according to the fourth school of deciphering the Indus script. The backside of the seal carries two symbols – one of celibacy and the other of the Pancham Gati of salvation. This seal is the rarest one, and a master-piece presentation of omniscience in the seals from Harappa.

All ascetics undergo sallekhana, i.e. Death with equanimity, by which the body karmas as well as the other karmas burdening the soul are countered through austerity. The body does not reduce in size but becomes thin like a stick while the karmas are reduced to zero. Hence the symbol is ISD 25 symbol 4 jpg held in his left hand showing his preparedness for sallekhana. With omniscience, indirect knowledge from mati gyan (=jñāna), awadhi, manaḥparyaya and mati based shruti gyan ends but ‘direct vision’ opens, knowing everything, past, present and future from the smallest to the biggest in the Universe including all things imperceptible by the outer sense faculties.

Next issue: 26. Karma, vegetarianism and nonviolence depicted in the Indus script